About Kurt Benzel

As the trusted real estate advisor for his clients, Kurt Benzel understands that selling and/or buying a home is complex and deeply personal. There is also a lot at stake financially and personally. This perspective on the process, and the responsibility felt towards his clients, drives him to work tirelessly to make sure you feel supported and that you have a trusted advisor by your side.

As a seller, you want to effectively (and beautifully) market the home and then negotiate to secure the highest possible price and cleanest terms for the sale. As a buyer, you want a patient yet assertive partner, to help to buy the right home for you at the best possible price. In other words, Kurt works to make sure your needs are met through every step of the process.

Kurt makes it a point to give back by supporting organizations like LAD Lake, Port Washington Main Street, TAFF (Aneurysm and AVM Awareness) and MS. 

Kurt also enjoys meeting and connecting with all types of people. "The world is brighter every time you make a friend".

Prez 2021

What clients are saying...

Home Valuation Report